Local July 13, 2016 | 3:27 pm

Chief Justice favors harsher penalties in fatal crashes

Santo Domingo.- Supreme Court chief justice Mariano Germán isin favor of harsher penalties for reckless drivers, and called for change ofmentality in the country’s motorists, just days after a truck collision in the northwestkilled 18 people.

"A person who kills 18 with a tractor trailer,dragging another vehicle, flips and passes, and hits another vehicle, it seems therewas a serious offense, and when it’s such serious negligence it’s no longer acrime committed by omission, but simply a crime commission," German said.

Interviewed in the National Palace where he met with presidentDanilo Medina, Germán said there are times when those vehicles travel with thetires in poor condition and that in this situation there was no one to stopthem.

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