Din from bars and clubs account for 91% of 9-1-1 complaints
Santo Domingo.- The annoying din blasting out of makeshift ??barsaccount for 91% of the complaints to the National Emergency System 9-1-1 andthe Environmental Defense Prosecutor’s Office for Greater Santo Domingo.
In just 18 months, 157,884 noise complaints had been received,of which 144,825 were for loud music, 11,359 from equipment and agencies and1,710 from constructions.
Environmental Defense processed around 10,000 cases, ofwhich 90 percent were for noise, mostly from colmadones and vehicles with loudmusic.
Presidency Ministry data from January 2015 to July 2016reveal that 91.7% of complaints to 9-1-1 were for noise from bars and nightclubs, as residents of several sectors denounced to newspaper Listin Diario on Thursday.