Local July 21, 2016 | 8:37 am

Uproar as deputies duck thorny abortion issue

Santo Domingo- As expected a wide swath of society on Wednesdayrebuked the Chamber of Deputies for deleting the article which established aspecial law to allow the interruption of a pregnancy if the woman was the victimof rape, incest, or clinically proven embryo malformations, calling it asetback for human rights.

Dominican Medical Guild (CMD) president Waldo Suero said thedeputies’ decision will increase maternal mortality and illegal abortions. "Themost developed countries have institutionalized and legalized abortion. Werefer to therapeutic abortion in special cases."

For Women Health Collective president Sergia Galvan, the measureis an outrage. “It’s a hard blow for women; it interferes with medicalpractice, and puts the country backward on global trends.”

Deputy Guadalupe Valdez tweeted that a democracy that stillexcludes women’s rights has to be surmounted.

Religious leaders

"It’s a significant step taken by the country. We havea code in keeping with the times after more than 15 years of struggles anddefending the culture of protection of life," said Dominican EvangelicalUnity Council (Codue) president Fidel Lorenzo.

Outspoken catholic priest Manuel Ruiz said if in fact thedeputies excluded the special law to allow abortions, “it would be cause forjoy.”


Lower Chamber president Abel Martinez defended the PenalCode’s approval and denied that it was steamrolled through committee as some sectorsof society affirm.

"It was a moralizing message of respect for humanlife, and the Lord sees us with good eyes," said Elias Wessin, president ofthe ultraconservative minority opposition PQDC party.

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