Local July 25, 2016 | 7:24 am

Dominican Republic fires 3 judges in ‘rulings for sale’ scandal

Santo Domingo.- The Supreme Judicial Council on Saturday announcedthe dismissal of three judges found guilty of serious misconduct during theirtenure on the bench.

Santo Domingo Judicial Dept. Appellate Court judges VictorMejia Lebron and Rosó Vallejo Espinosa and Jose Dionisio Mejia Duvergé of the LaborCourt’s 2nd Chamber, have been linked to the ‘rulings for sale’scandal that also led to the suspension of judges Awilda Reyes and FrancisoArias.

Supreme Court chief justice and Judicial Council chairMariano German had ordered a disciplinary against the three for "soliciting,accepting or receiving, directly or through other persons, commissions in cashor in kind; or soliciting, accepting or receiving, directly or through anintermediaries, bonuses, grants, gifts or rewards, as payment for servicesinherent to the positions they fill."

It’s the first time in recent history that the JudicialCouncil fires that many judges as the result of one scandal.

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