Two brothers of Dominican baseball team vanish in Florida, EFE reports

Kissimmee (Fla.)- Two brothers who came from DominicanRepublic with their baseball team to compete in a youth tournament vanished withouta trace from the hotel where they were lodged in Kissimmee, central Florida,police said Sunday, EFE reports.
The teens, Francis and Franklyn Carela, from the Dominican Republic, went missing from their Kissimmee hotel overnight, police say15 and 16, visited the Old Town amusement parkin Kissimmee on Friday and then returned to the hotel, where they were lastseen.
"Those in charge of the baseball team noticed theabsence of the two minors Friday when at around 11pm and noticed that they werenot in their room of the hotel where the group is staying," Stacie Miller KissimmeePolice spokesman told Efe.