Foreign minister ‘proud of the respect’ for Dominican diplomacy

Santo Domingo.- Foreign minister Andrés Navarro on Thursdaysaid among his proudest accomplishments in his nearly two years in the post is the current respect for Dominicandiplomacy perceived abroad and locally, where the work is already best known.
He said the Dominican Republic now has greater dynamism inmultilateral agencies and arenas abroad, with the forums and events staged inits capacity as pro tempore president of the CELAC, the Community of LatinAmerican and Caribbean States, and the 46th annual assembly of theOrganization of American States (OAS).
"Dominican Republic is one of the countries with themost dynamic foreign policy, and that’s not done in a country that generatesdistrust, quite the contrary," said Navarro, quoted by Listin Diario.
The official said it’s a quite different scenario fromprevious years, when the country had fought in several fronts abroad for itsdecisions to regulate immigration and the Constitutional Court ruling that deniedDominican nationality to a youngster of undocumented parents.
“The strategy designed then was very simple,“ Navarro says,noting that members of the international community were invited to the countryto know firsthand how the State treats both immigrants and citizens as ordinarypeople. "They’ve seen a compromised State and the simple strategy has beenfor them to get to know us."