Major entities promote a ‘Democratic Initiative’
Santo Domingo.- Business groups, civil society and academicorganizations have formation the "Initiative for DemocraticInstitutions" to increase social trust in the venues of the democraticsystem, the system of political parties, and social institutions.
The institutions have proposed the synergies necessary andwork towards a new law on political parties to ensure their respect of the Constitution;promote an electoral law to govern electoral processes clearly and ensure theirtransparent, equitable and inclusive organization.
The National Business Council (CONEP), the DominicanRepublic Industries Association (AIRD), the National Young Business Leaders Association(Anje), the American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAMDR), the Herrera and the SantoDomingo Province Industries Association (AEIH) head the initiative.
Also the Association for Development (Apedi), the BonóCenter, the Institutionalism and Justice Foundation (Finjus), CitizenParticipation, the Pro Family Welfare Association (Profamilia ), the John XXIIICenter and the Pro Bono Foundation.
The organizations say the initiative would also ensure thatthe oversight agencies exercise their function of control of assets, income,expenses and use of taxpayers’ money.