Local September 2, 2016 | 8:01 am

Government and doctors reach “preliminary agreement”

Santo Domingo.- Representatives of the government andhealth sector unions, led by the Dominican Medical Association (CMD) reached apreliminary agreement on the issues of working hours, salary increase and otherdemands put forward by the doctors during Thursday’s negotiations.

The outcome was announced at a press conference by thedean of the Catholic University of Santo Domingo who acted as the mediator in thetalks, Fr. Jesús Castro Marte, Dr. Julio Amado Castaños and CMD president WaldoAriel Suero.

On the question of working hours, the parties agreedthat the health center directors would establish the schedules, according tothe needs of the centers and patient numbers.

No details are yet available on the salary agreement,or any other points that were discussed.

Waldo Ariel Suero promised that the final agreementwould be announced next week, and called off all strikes in the country’shospitals.

The meeting started at around 4:00 pm and lastedalmost two hours.

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