Local September 6, 2016 | 10:50 am

Criminalized abortions push Dominican Republic into ‘legal incongruence’

Santo Domingo.- UN System resident coordinator in theDominican Republic, Lorenzo Jimenez de Luis on Monday said with the decision tocriminalize abortion without exceptions the authorities have fallen into"legal incongruence."

The UN representative criticized Dominican lawmakers foraccepting treaties for women’s rights and then adopt a code which in his viewcriminalizes abortion without exceptions.

Jimenez formed part of a press conference at Santo Domingo StateUniversity (UASD), with organizations and personalities from the social,academic and health sectors, which issued a document requesting that senatorsapprove abortion in the three basic conditions proposed by women.

"The termination of pregnancy will not be punishable whenpracticed by a specialized medical personnel, in a center or establishment ofprivate or public health, in cases endangering the life of the mother, when shehas been the victim of rape or incest or when embryo or fetus malformations areincompatible with life," reads the paragraph which the organizations proposeto include in the Penal Code.

The UN official, quoted by outlet acento.com.do, said if Congress disagrees with theirproposal, the next step will be an appeal before the Constitutional Court or internationalorganizations with which the Dominican Republic signed agreements. “We will notrest until our voice is heard.”

The speakers stressed Article 38 of the Constitution:"The State is based on respect for the dignity of the person and organizedfor real and effective protection of their fundamentally inherent rights. Thedignity of the human being is sacred inviolable and innate; their respect andprotection is an essential responsibility of public authorities."

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