Local September 9, 2016 | 4:55 pm

Millions US$ flew away in Air Force construction scam: Acento

Santo Domingo.- An investigation by the Dominican Air Forcein 2010 found that the funds to pay for the Super Tucano aircraft were instead misappropriatedto various works at San Isidro Airbase, outlet acent.com.do reports Friday.

The funds were managed by then Air Force Chief of Staff Maj.Gen. Rafael Peña Antonio, and his director for Special Projects Col, Carlos PicciniNunez.

At that time a report by the Air Force Engineering Dept. alertedauthorities to a difference of more than RD$25 million between what was paidand executed in at least three works. The audit found a difference of RD$25.2 millionin the works.

The document also found that the works involving some RD$45million were awarded without a tenders or contracts, a figure then corroboratedby an Accounts Chamber preliminary audit.

To remodel the facilities of the Air Maintenance Command,the Air Force paid RD$19.8 million, but the installments totaled only RD$6.95 million,a difference of RD$12.8 million

RD$9.7 million was allegedly spent on the Combat Command,but auditors have confirmed that it was just RD$5.8million.

The cost to remodel the Airlift Squadron building was allegedlyRD$16.3 million, technicians however found a difference of RD$8.5 million,between the work done and the amount paid.

For the reconstruction of the buildings Peña Antonio allocatedUS$2.9 million from funds earmarked for the Tucano aircraft.

In February 2010 the Dominican Air Force filed chargesagainst the company Peña y Asociados SA, and its president and owner, engineerJosé Peña Veloz.

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