Local September 12, 2016 | 12:42 pm

Dominican opposition warning on Electoral Board fuels yanked US visa flap

Santo Domingo.- 11 opposition parties warned Monday they’llaccept the ratification of Roberto Rosario as president of the CentralElectoral Board (JCE), a development that adds fuel to the row over the US cancellingof his visa on yet-unexplained reasons.

In a statement, the opposition leaders announced a meeting fora political dialogue Tuesday to submit the OAS report which they affirm show thecollapse of the Dominican political system and requires all new members in the JCEand the Electoral Court, formed by people without political affiliation toensure impartiality.

The document, which also warns against ratifying othermembers of the JCE, nor those of the Superior Electoral Tribunal (TSE), wasread in a press conference at Hotel Radisson in the capital, headed by the PRMparty.

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