Local September 13, 2016 | 10:43 am

Dominican Republic remains on US’ drug trafficking blacklist

Washington.- The US government still considers Venezuela, Boliviaand Burma the countries that didn’t comply with their commitments against drugtrafficking and drug production in the last 12 months, according to .

US president Barack Obama on Monday sent to Congress, asrequired by his country’s law, a notice on countries where illicit drugs areproduced or trafficked, which "have manifestly failed to comply with its internationalcommitments," and like last year, again lists Bolivia and Venezuela, alongwith Burma.

On the full list of countries the US calls"large" producers or of drug transit figure Afghanistan, Bahamas,Belize, Bolivia, Burma, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, ElSalvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, India, Jamaica, Laos, Mexico, Nicaragua,Pakistan, Panama, Peru and Venezuela.

There have been no changes in this group of countries inrecent years, according to official site whitehouse.gov.

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