Local September 14, 2016 | 8:13 am

Environment announces beach cleanup day Saturday

Santo Domingo.-The Environment Ministry on Tuesday announceda trash collection drive next Saturday along the coastline to mark World BeachCleanup Day, which includes riverbanks.

The activity’s main event will be at Fuerte San Gil on theMalecon at 9am, when Environment minister Francisco Dominguez will kick off theeffort to take place at beaches and swimming spots nationwide.

Coastal and Marine deputy minister Ydalia Acevedo said thecleanup will take place at 194 localities in all 32 provinces.

World Beach Cleanup Day was established by OceanConservancy some 30 year ago for the third Saturday of September, as a warn callover the increasing pollution of the seas and oceans.

Dominican Republic joined the activity in 2005, whichinvolves various institutions and government agencies.

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