Local September 15, 2016 | 12:22 pm

In bizarro world Dominican Republic even bishops are generals

Santo Domingo.- For the new head of Dominican Republic’s CatholicChurch, holding the rank of Major General is not priority and stresses that if he’soffered the two stars as the chief Military Chaplain of the Army, he’d start atthe rank of private instead.

Cardinal Nicolas de Jesus Lopez Rodriguez currently holdsthat rank, which he’s is expected to resign from at any time.

Ozoria, interviewed bythe Corripio Media Group Wednesday, reiterated that he comes as a pastor, “toteach and sanctify the sheep.”

"My pastoral mission is to serve, accompany outsidersand defend immigrants and the poor. If I’m proposed a rank, I’ll begin as aprivate," the prelate said.

Although the sweeping agreement known as the Concordatsigned between the Vatican and the Dominican Republic doesn’t refer to militaryranks for prelates, Pastoral vicar Lorenzo Vargas says the archbishop of SantoDomingo is rightfully distinguished as the top military chaplain. "Thatwas something that two presidents invented: Salvador Jorge Blanco (1982-1986) andHipolito Mejia (2000-2004). But the Concordat doesn’t speak of ranks."

Ozoria assumed the post of head of the Archdiocese of SantoDomingo on Saturday in a ceremony at the Cathedral of America attended byprelates and government officials, including president Danilo Medina.

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