Local September 16, 2016 | 7:48 am

US Envoy in Dominican Republic ramps up visits as clashes weigh

Santo Domingo.- Coincidence or not US ambassador James W.Brewster maintains a surprisingly intense agenda after entering another row inthe heels of the canceled US visas of Central Electoral Board president RobertoRosario for reasons yet-to-be officially stated

Local media report a flurry of speculation immediatelyafter Rosario’s official and regular visas were canceled, as the US ambassador hasmade unusually frequent visits to senior government officials,.

Since the visa flap last week Brewster has met with the ministersof Foreign affairs, Industry and Commerce, and Labor, as well as NationalDistrict mayor David Collado, and Education Ministry officials.

The US envoy’s most recent appearance was Thursday, when heattended the signing of an agreement between Washington and Santo Domingo, toenact the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA).

And despite Brewster’s known active style, his latestmovements reveal an upsurge of diplomatic activities, especially after monthsof relative absence from the public scene in the wake of a bitter dispute withcardinal Nicolas de Jesus Lopez Rodriguez over the LBGT agenda.

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