Local September 19, 2016 | 7:30 am

Dominican Republic leader ‘slams his fist’ for transparency

Santo Domingo.- President Danilo Medina on Friday warnedhis officials that he won’t leave the National Palace with his head bowed when histerm in office ends, “even if I have to leave with a few friends.”

Medina’s warning came during a cabinet meeting in theNational Palace, according to a source quoted by listin.com.do.

The head of state also told the officials that there’s noroom for personal projects within the government.

He said all projects initiated by the agencies must bebudgeted and won’t authorize any work that doesn’t have financial support.

"The President said, slamming his fist on the table, thateveryone, without exception, has to be transparent," the source said.

Medina warned that "everyone has to be aligned,because that is the course of this government."

Highest standards of honesty

After the meeting, presidency chief of staff GustavoMontalvo, told reporters that Medina demanded the highest standards of honestyand respect for the law in the service of citizens.

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