Local September 20, 2016 | 7:31 am

Dominican Republic stresses its right on immigration

New York.- Dominican Republic Foreign minister MiguelVargas on Monday said the important for each state to exercise its sovereignright to determine who’s admitted to its territory, in accordance only withinternational obligations.

Speaking in the UN Assembly, Vargas stressed that in itshistory mankind has always allowed the relentless movement of people, but notedthat a response to a problem exacerbated by policies that improve livingconditions must also be sought in countries where migration originates.

“The challenge is huge, but with this high-levelmeeting on refugees and migrants, held in the framework of the United NationsGeneral Assembly, we have taken a step in the right direction,” theofficial said

Vargas spoke in the 5th forum on migration moderatedby the presidents of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto, of Portugal, Marcelo de Sousa,and Panama, Juan Carlos Varela, as well as the foreign ministers of Bolivia,Guatemala, Honduras , Nigeria, the Philippines and 30 other representativesfrom five continents.

In a statement, the Foreign Ministry said Vargas’ remarksformed part of the analysis “Global Pact for safe, regulated and orderlymigration: towards achieving a Sustainable Development Agenda 2030 and fullrespect for human rights of migrants.”

Vargas added the Dominican Republic fully shares the globalconcern over the large and small movements of people.

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