Local September 22, 2016 | 4:13 pm

Armored truck heist suspect ‘fears being killed by officer involved’

Santo Domingo.- The alleged involvement of a NationalPolice officer in the armored truck heist ??at Bella Vista Mall, where asecurity guard was gunned down and another seriously wounded, has kept the mainsuspect John Percival from surrendering via the National Human Rights Commission.

In a visit to the courthouse at Ciudad Nueva, Commission presidentManuel Maria Mercedes said that situation makes Percival fear for his life.

"Percival Matos has not been handed over to theauthorities because he fears for his life, apparently a police officer is alsofound involved."

He said he lost contact with Percival since Wednesdayafternoon, noting that even visited several places trying to resume contact, unsuccessfullyand urged him to contact him prior to surrendering.

Mercedes said he even met with National Police spokesman NelsonRosario, who guaranteed they’ll adopt all measures to ensure his safety."The police gave me assurances that they will not interfere if humanrights or media to contact Percival Matos to hand him over to the authorities."

In addition to the armored truck heist at Bella Vista Mall,Percival, a former Army 1st Lieutenant, is accused of the Aug. 4.armedrobbery at the department store Multicenter La Sirena in Villa Mella.

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