Local October 4, 2016 | 12:42 pm

Son of wealthy oil merchant ordered to pay US$2.0M in Ferrari deal

Santo Domingo.- FormerNational District mayoral candidate Karim Abu Naba’a on Tuesday was ordered topay US$2.0 million to Julian Sigler.

Naba’a was convictedof forgery in the of purchase of the collection vehicle Enzo Ferrari 2003,which he hadn’t paid in full.

Of that amount, US$1.25million were for redress and US$750,000 for damages.

The prosecution hadsought a two-year prison sentence in a lower court for violations of theCriminal Code on forgery and fraud, but was acquitted by National District 4th PenalChamber judge Frany González.

The prosecution saidNaba’a put the vehicle in his name but had yet to pay in full, and then using athird party who allegedly filed the paperwork at Internal Taxes.

The convict’s defenseargued that since the sale was made in Florida, it wasn’t transferred until the rest of the money waspaid.

It said Naba’a hadpaid Sigler more than US$400,000 for the vehicle, but they both acknowledge thatit’s worth around US$2.0 million.

Naba’a, son of oilmerchant Mustafa Abu Naba’a, has also been charged with threatening to murder Pedro Antonio ValdezVizcaíno in the sale of a Toyota SUV for RD$850,000, of which the defendantadvanced US$5,000 with a RD$700,000 check that allegedly bounced.

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