Local October 6, 2016 | 12:53 pm

Big business point small ones the path to success

Santo Domingo.- Businessleaders Felipe A. Vicini, Marcial M. Najri and banker Manuel A. Grullón on Wednesdayanalyzed leadership and the key challenges to the survival of businesses, basedon the principles of management, entrepreneurial spirit and vision of thefuture, elements which they ensure transcend time and consolidate leadershippositions.

Grullon, president ofPopular, the country’s biggest bank, told the more than a 1,000 small andmedium business leaders that they must havelove and passion for work to ensure the commitment by employees. "Surroundyourself with the best of teams, seek the support of mentors and advisers, aswell as learn every day to be able to analyze the ambiance."

Also speaking in the 4thImpulse Business Forum hosted by Popular bank, was Najri Group executive vicepresident, Marcial M. Najri, who affirmed that SMEs and personal success"is the product of sacrifice, dedication, perseverance, thrift and familyharmony," as the vision to achieve long-term goals.

For Inicia CEO FelipeA. Vicini, the key elements that affect business judgment transcend time, suchas "reinvestment in the business, long-term thinking, faith in the country’sdevelopment, exude a low profile and family togetherness."

Vicini stressed theneed of having leaders and examples to inspire Dominican youth, and listed theinitiatives by the asset management company to which he belongs. "If I couldsummarize my presentation in one sentence it would be: "The continuousrenewal."

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