Uruguay’s ex-president ‘Pepe,’ incomparable

Santo Domingo.- Former president of Uruguay,Jose "Pepe" Mujica, arrived in Dominican Republic on Sunday, and immediatelyreaffirmed his austere lifestyle by exiting a conference in a 1970 Volkswagen Beetle, the same type he usedduring his tenure.
The leftist leader’s agenda includes thebestowing of a Doctor Honoris Causa from Santo Domingo State University (UASD) at10am Monday and a conference at UNPHU University in the afternoon.
Mujica is also slated to attend the CorripioMedia Group’s weekly luncheon.
Poorest president
Mujica, Uruguay’s president from 2010 to 2015,is considered the poorest former head of state, for which he has earned therespect and admiration around the world, He’s credited with heading LatinAmerica’s most transparent and corruption-free administration ever.