Top prosecutor strikes fear in the Justice Ministry: Hoy

Santo Domingo.- President Danilo Medina’s questionedappointment of Jean Alain Rodriguez as the country’s top Prosecutor on August 17has sparked immediate unease within theJustice Ministry, where officials are wary of making statements in fear of reprisal bytheir boss.
Outlet on Thursday reports thatrodriguqez has imposed strict rules: no media interviews and a gag on all officialswho have to make appointments previous to see him in his office.
"None of the special prosecutors which journalistscovering the Justice Ministry had access to dare to meet with them even for coffeeas they used to, on fear they would be blamed if any leaked information,"the report says.
"It emerged that after nearly two monthssince assuming the post, Rodriguez has yet to meet formally with his deputyprosecutors; some of whom had even "loitered" but hadn’t beenreceived," the outlet says.
"But nobody says anything; complaints bythe officials are known through third parties, not by them directly, it is clearthat the Justice Ministry has imposed the code of silence."
Protocol for journalists
Hoy called the situation of the reporterscovering the source is "critical" and that communications has become "practicallyineffective."
"The chief prosecutor hired a press consultant,and also created a Cabinet directed by Rafael Cano, through whom everything mustbe channeled, but like the prosecutor, also receives only by appointmentbecause he claims he has a lot of work."
It says regarding journalists Rodríguez’srules are clear: If they want an interview, they have to go to Communications directorTessie Sánchez, submit the questions in writing and she, through Cano, passes themon to the prosecutor. "During all this time just one press conference has beenconvened and had problems because it privileged the print media."
"The fear among the Justice Ministry staffis widespread," the outlet adds.
in the first place is the big question’ why didMedina appoint Rodriguez, who didn’t have any known expereience in thejudiciary.
Prior to his designation, the JusticeMinister was the head of the Dominican Republic Export and Investment Center(CEI-RD).