Local October 14, 2016 | 3:55 pm

Fugitive in fatal armored truck heist ´spotted´ in the SW

Santo Domingo.- Relatives of the armoredtruck guard who was gunned down during the September 14 heist at Bella VistaMall , demanded answers from the authorities intothe whereabouts of the main suspect, John Percival Matos, who reportedly headsa ring of bank robbers.

According to relatives quoted by local mediarelatives of the deceased and their lawyer, Percival Matos allegedly spent twodays in Paraiso, western Barahona province in September, and Central CriminalInvestigations (Dicrim) director Gen. Ney Bautista Almonte, had knowledge.

Yohanni Garcia, daughter of the slain guardBienvenido Garcia, with her relatives protested in front of the NationalDistrict Courthouse, noting that despite that it´s been one month since the assault,they’ve yet to receive concrete answers about the investigation.

"We want the authorities to tell us whatwill happen in this case. Is it possible that the culprit can stroll around freelyor, as some people say, has fled the country?"

Their lawyer Plutarco Jáquez asked Justiceminister Jean Alain Rodriguez to contact Bautista for information on the case.He said they were made aware that "on September 23 and 24 Percival was inthe vicinity of the town of Paraiso, Barahona and the National Police know it."

"What a pity that there’s no capitalpunishment, "said on Friday Percival Matos´ father, retired general RafaelPercival Peña, who said his son must face justice and pay for what he’s chargedwith.

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