Local November 2, 2016 | 12:16 pm

Senator: time has come to name colleagues in Tucanogate

Santo Domingo.- Senator Euclides Sanchez on Wednesdaysaid the time has come to reveal the names of his colleagues, businessmen andall those linked to the graft case to buy Super Tucano aircraft from Brazilian plane-makerEmbraer.

The ruling party (PLD) lawmaker said prosecutorJean Alain Rodriguez should clarify "Tucanogate," starting with Embraer’sadmission of wrongdoing, for which he "shouldn’t spin the matter anylonger."

"I worry about the Tucano issue becauseit tarnishes the image of Congress and doesn’t suit the country having aquestioned Senate. Whether there’s involvement or not in the purchase of theaircraft must be demonstrated," he said.

Interviewed by Salvador Holguin on TeleradioAmerica channel 45, Sanchez said while his party’s administrations have producedmany projects to benefit citizens, there’s also been "shadows."

When asked about US ambassador James W.Brewster’s critique on government corruption, the La Vega province lawmaker saidinstead of questioning the US should work so Dominican institutions canfunction.

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