US envoy: tight vote could stretch elections into the night

Santo Domingo.- The voting in the UnitedStates is so narrow in certain battleground states that it could be a decisivefactor to stretch the elections into the night, said US ambassador James W.Brewster on Tuesday.
He said immigrants from all over the world makeup his country, prompting the two major parties to go out to orient voters to takepart in the electoral process.
Quoted by, the diplomat said socialmedia are another element that he affirms have been added as a tool used bycandidates to attract young voters.
"For example, when I worked on presidentBarak Obama’s campaign we had people who were seeking votes in each state, justas we had a complete structure in each state so we could make sure that everyvoter was provided with the message of President Obama and understand why heshould be elected," he said.
Brewster said depending on the number ofvotes, each state has a member that goes with that amount to the pollingstation during the electoral process, and that indicates the number of votesselected. "It’s a simple process, this is carried out so that each statehas a fair representation for the election of the president."