Local November 10, 2016 | 3:52 pm

Tucano scandal: Dominican Air Force colonel stays in jail

Santo Domingo.- A National District court onThursday upheld the pretrial detention ruling against Dominican Air Force Col.Carlos Piccini, indicted in the graft case of eight Super Tucano planes boughtfrom Brazil aircraft maker, Embraer.

Third District Instruction Court judge DaniloAmador Quevedo ruled against Piccini because the accused didn’t submit new evidencethat justify his release on bond.

According to the investigation beingconducted by the Anticorruption Prosecutor (Pepca), the alleged bribe to buythe Tucanos was US$3.5 million, which supposedly went to the third parties involved.

Pepca prosecution Laura Guerrero said formerdefense minister Pedro Rafael Peña Antonio, businessmen Daniel Aquino Hernandezand Daniel Aquino Méndez and Piccini allegedly received the 3.5 million dollarsin bribes.

The Super Tucano A-29B aircraft were acquiredthrough a loan with the Brazil State-owned bank BNDES, which was approved by theDominican Senate.

The acquisition of the aircraft was through atender and, according to the prosecution’s file, other offers were cheaper.

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