Local November 11, 2016 | 8:47 am

Dominican military get 172 mug shots of Haiti jail escapees

Santo Domingo.- State security agenciesrecently received a list with the names and photos of 172 inmates who escaped froma Haitian jail last month.

The Defense Ministry, National Police and Immigration,among other agencies have the list and other data to coordinate the search forthe fugitives which could’ve entered Dominican territory .

Nonetheless National Police spokesman NelsonRosario on Thursday said intelligence indicates that none of the foreignershave entered the Dominican Republic.

He said the list was distributed to all Policeregional commands, which will take action along with the other agencies, mainlyat border crossings.

Reinforced border

Once Dominican authorities were apprised ofthe massive prison break in Haiti, Defense minister Rubén Paulino ordered an heightenedborder patrols and surveillance.

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