Local November 14, 2016 | 3:28 pm

Official who doesn’t submit financial statement by Nov. 30, fired Dec 1.

Santo Domingo.- Presidency chief of staff GustavoMontalvo on Monday said the officials who fail to submit their financial statementby Nov. 30 will be pulled off the government payroll as of December.

"All public officials who, under theterms of the Constitution and the law, are obliged to present their affidavitof assets and have not fulfilled their obligation in a timely manner, will beexcluded from the public payroll as of next December 2016," the Presidencysaid in a statement.

"The Presidency of the Republic has thefirm conviction that all the designated public officials are committed andobligated by the law. In this sense, it is interpreted as a waiver of theirfunctions the fact that a public servant did not present their affidavit as ofNovember 30 of this year."

Montalvo noted that despite that elected officialsaren’t obliged to submit a financial statement, said he expects they’ll abideby the provision.

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