Local November 21, 2016 | 8:00 am

Three drown as relentless rains pound the North

Santo Domingo.- At least three reported drownedin central La Vega province as flooding from the incessant rains destroyed ninehomes, forced hundreds of families to evacuate towns near Santiago and farmlandsunder water in the Northwest by a swelled Yaque del Norte river.

Among the victims is Daniel de León, 9,dragged by the torrent of the Bacuí river in La Vega, and a man, stillunidentified, who drowned in Jarabacoa.

Public Works Ministry director Ramón Pepínsaid floodwaters damaged 30 bridges in Puerto Plata, where nine collapsed,slowing traffic on the Navarrete-Puerto Plata road.

He said several crews channel the Bajabonico riverto avert the collapse bridges and homes, 10 of which were destroyed in thatarea.

Meanwhile traffic on the Luperón panoramicroad remains is cut off, as the abutments built to restore it, collapsed fromthe continuing downpours on Friday.

Hundreds of people were evacuated at least sixtowns cut off in near Gaspar Hernández, northeastern Espaillat province, afterthe Venus river crested its banks.

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