Local November 23, 2016 | 8:25 am

Venezuelan women come for jobs, but end up sexually exploited

Santo Domingo.- The Dominican Republic hasbeen invaded by the lusty services of young Venezuelan women in recent months.

Many come to the country to "take careof business," fleeing from Venezuela’s pressing economic and political straits.

Others come on promises of jobs and betterliving conditions, often finding sexual exploitation instead.

The often-called ‘prepaids’ offer sex throughsocial networks such as Whatssap and websites that promote prostitution.

There are "date houses" whose mainattraction are South America women, who are attractive to customers, offered as"ladies of escort."

Human trafficking

National Immigration Institute directorFlorinda Rojas revealed that international women trafficking networks operate inDominican territory. She said they’ve received several complaints of Venezuelanswho’ve been brought to the country to be sexually exploited.

Interviewed on 95.7 FM radio, the official calledthe cases of trafficking as ‘modern slavery’.

She stressed that most trafficking victims aren’tlinked with each other and don’t know or are aware of their situation. "Thedignity of people is above all else. There is no reason to justify one personusing another to benefit."

Worrying situation

Interior and Police minister Carlos Amarante onTuesday said it’s cause for concern the situation of sexual exploitation whichmany Venezuelans are subjected to when they arrive in the Dominican Republic.

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