Local December 6, 2016 | 9:57 am

Dominican Republic’s ‘owners’ threaten nationwide strike: report

Santo Domingo.- The national association oftruck owners (Fenatrado) has called on truckers and drivers of public buses tokeep them off the roads starting dawn Tuesday and until further notice, outlet listin.com.doreports

Quoting from a recording, the outlet reportsthat an unnamed Fenatrado executive called on other unions to halt theiractivities and threatened to penalize those who don’t.

"They will feel the power of the unions,the country will be paralyzed, all cargo trucks, buses and public vehicles willpark on the right without obstructing traffic and will not work until furthernotice. Anyone who violates this rule of Fenatrado will be sanctioned for sixmonths," the executive says in the taped during a Federation meeting.

According to the audio the unidentified executivewarned that if the National Business Council (Conep) succeeds in displacing thetransport unions, many heads of households will be left unemployed. "Weknow that the Conep is recruiting transport vehicles to replace us and we cannotallow it."

Last Thursday the Superior Arbitration Courtset for 2pm tomorrow Wednesday another hearing on Conep’s request for an injunctionto end the alleged monopoly which some exert on hauling freight at the country’sports.

The Conep has reiterated the need toeradicate the "abuses and anticompetitive practices of transport unions."

The court action also seeks to ensure thatcitizens can choose the transport that best suits them without being forced touse vehicles that don’t count with the minimum conditions of safety or comfort.

Country’s ‘owners’

Fenatrado, together with the bus ownersassociations Conatra and Fenatrano, are also known as the country’s "owners"for their often violent strikes with apparent impunity and which strikes fearamong government officials, including president Danilo Medina, who has alreadycowered to their threats.

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