Local December 9, 2016 | 9:04 am

Lack of maintenance, few trains tarnish subway’s image

Santo Domingo.- Lack of maintenance of its facilitiesand frequent shutdowns of its trains have deteriorated the Santo Domingo Metro’simage and hurt the quality of its service.

One example; Thursday morning dozens of commuters at María Montez statio, on Luperón Av. withDuarte highway had to stand long lines to recharge their swipe cards at the fewmachines that weren’t damaged.

Station personnel and Metro Police wereforced to organize three lines of people to maintain order.

Straphangers complain

"You waste time when you have to stop torecharge, but you also have to wait longer because there aren’t many cars, theyseem to put them away to give the impression that the service has a highdemand," said Inocencia Rosado, quoted by eldia.com.do.

The gradual deterioration of the service isalso evident with the shutdown of the escalators at two stations .

Also out of service are various passenger turnstilesat several stations, which also leads to long lines.

Commuters of Line II also complain of lack ofcleanliness of its facilities.

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