Local December 12, 2016 | 10:17 am

Medina reigns in his officials, those elected sill scofflaws

Santo Domingo.- President Danilo Medina’s instructionto withhold the salary of the officials he appointed who failed to submit theirfinancial statement was carried in compliance with executive order 92-16, issuedFebruary 29 last year.

"Non-compliance in submitting the FinancialStatement within the stipulated period (30 days from appointment) as a legalconsequence establishes the suspension of payment of the remuneration thatcorresponds to the official responsible, which will be withheld until theomission is remedied," cites the regulation in Financial Statement Law311-14.

It also notes that the Accounts Chamber willnotify the National Treasury of the omissions, so it "refrains fromissuing the payments of the salaries of the officials, until the Accounts Chambernotifies that they have complied with its presentation … "


TheAccounts Chamber estimates that 4,484 incoming and outgoing congressional and municipalelected officials had failed to file their statement before the Nov. 30deadline.

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