Local December 16, 2016 | 8:56 am

Despite 5 years of sucking State teat, official seeks to cling on

Santo Domingo.- For Dominican MunicipalLeague (LMD) general secretary Johnny Jones, that agency has already fulfilledits purpose and proposes creating the Municipal Training Institute to "burythe name."

"What we’re proposing is to completelytransform the Dominican Municipal League. The Dominican Municipal League has alreadyfulfilled its role," the official said, who’s been for nearly five years thehead of the 79-year old, scandal-fraught entity.

But Jones wants to be reelected to the poston January 26, proposing the "dissolution of the League for the creationof an Institute of Municipal Development."

Precisely to carry out that process is Jones’argument to continue to head the organization for the next period.

And as the political support needed to retainthe post, he affirms that a faction of his conservative party (PRSC) will nextMonday announce its support to for Jones to continue in "the League."

"We know that at the end of the road theDominican Liberation (ruling) Party will support us," Jones says, adding thatthe "questioned League" must become a Municipal Training Institute,that would operate directly under the Presidency, instead of its current relativeautonomy as adviser and overseer to the municipalities.

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