Local December 19, 2016 | 9:19 am

Haitians threaten to shut border market again as sugar deadlock festers

Dajabon, Dominican Republic.- Haitian merchantson Sunday threatened to shutter theirborder gate again on Monday, to demand the release of 48 containers full ofsugar, retained by Dominican authorities in Santo Domingo on allegedirregularities.

Fred Bosse, speaking for a group of merchantsand business leaders made the warning and asked Dominican Agriculture ministerÁngel Estévez, to adhere to his promise to release the containers.

Quoted by EFE, Bosse said on Wednesday Estevez and Dajabónprovince officials promised the merchants and truckers the release of thecontainers, which would be escorted to the border.

The Haitian merchants asked their Dominicancounterparts to refrain from going to the market until the authorities releasethe containers.

Millions in losses

Dominican border guards in Dajabón closed themarket to prevent incidents on Friday, while Dominican merchants asked that Estevezdefuse the conflict, which has generated millions in losses.

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