Local December 20, 2016 | 8:31 am

Brazil-Super Tucano US$3.4M bribe probe ‘advances well’

Santo Domingo.- Anticorruption prosecutor LauraGuerrero on Monday said the investigation into the alleged US$3.4 million bribeby Brazil plane maker Embraer to Dominican officials to buy eight Super Tucanoaircraft "advances well."

She said during the investigation, peoplewith some involvement have stated an interest to collaborate through plea bargainingas the Penal Code stipulates.

The official noted however that Air Force Col.Carlos Piccini "has not approached us with the intention of reaching anagreement and formally, we’ve never attempted to materialize an agreement withhim either."

"What should be clear is that we are notpushing Mr. Piccini for an agreement, nor have we spoken with the accused onthat issue," said the official.

Guerrero stressed the case’s complexity as"an important achievement" of the Prosecutor’s Office, because itallows her to investigate and produce massive evidence."


Indicted thus far in addition to Piccini havebeen former Armed Forces minister, retired general Pedro Rafael Peña Antonio, DanielAquino Hernández and Daniel Aquino Méndez.

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