Gov. deploys 37,721 first responders to reduce traffic deaths

Santo Domingo.- First response agencies on Tuesday announced theChristmas operation with 37,721 people, including search and rescue, doctors, militaryand police officers, to reduce the number of deaths from traffic accidents.
Emergency Operations Center (COE) director JuanManuel Méndez, Civil Defense director Rafael de Luna, among other officials provideddetails of the "Operation Christmas Values ??your Safety" in a pressconference.
Mendez said the operation also includes 1,631aid stations located at critical points, 132 ambulances, three helicopters, 90 firstresponse units, 30 tow trucks, 30 mobile shops, nine regional command posts and30 buses.
He said the first of the two-stage operationwill start 2pm Friday, Dec. 23 to 6pm Sunday Dec. 25, while the second is from FridayDec. 30 at 2pm, ending Sunday, Jan. 1 at 6pm.