Local January 10, 2017 | 7:37 am

Dominican Republic to question Brazilian boss in bribe scandal

Santo Domingo.- Justice minister Jean Rodrigueztoday Tuesday will question Marcelo Hofke, general manager in the DominicanRepublic of Brazilian transnational Odebrecht.

Rodriguez has also promised the media to providedetails about the investigation into the corruption case involving Odebrecht’s admittedpayment of US$92 million in bribes to Dominican government officials from 2001 to2014.

The official and Anti-Corruption prosecutor LauraGuerrero last week met with several Odebrecht executives, including Hofke.

Odebrecht has agreed to pay US$2.05 billion in damages for its illegal actions to theUnited States, Switzerland and Brazil, where the scandal is known as Lava Jato(car wash).

The company has admitted to paying bribes in theDominican Republic, in exchange for obtaining contracts worth billions ofdollars.

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