Local January 11, 2017 | 12:47 pm

‘Big fish bagman’ in Odebrecht US$92.0M bribe arrives for questioning

Santo Domingo.- Angel Rondon, named Tuesday in the country’sbiggest bribe scandal ever, has also been linked as the "bagman"behind the "big fish" lurking in the shadows of major corruption casesincluding the failed bank Baninter that cost Dominican taxpayers US$2.5 billionand Plan Renove, whose price tag was RD$1.0 billion.

Rondon arrived at the Office of the AnticorruptionProsecutor shortly before noon for questioning over his role in the Braziliancompany Odebrecht’s admitted bribe of US$92.0 million to Dominican officials.

Anticorruption prosecutor Laura Guerrero hadpreviously affirmed that as the investigations advances, others will be subpoenaedto provide information relevant to the case.

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