Dominican Republic anticorruption push gathers steam

Santo Domingo.- The group "Marcha Verde "(Green March) on Sunday urged citizens and social organizations across thecountry to participate in the national "Green Day" mobilization next Wednesday,and said it will deliver the signatures gathered to president Danilo Medina inthe National Palace at 5pm that same day.
The announcement comes one month after the impressiveEnd of Impunity March which according to organizers drew hundreds of thousandsof protesters.
The grassrootsgroup urges citizens to take to the streets wearing green, to place flags,ribbons or other green objects on their vehicles, businesses, homes, schools orworkplace, to continue making visible the country’s demand that the Odebrechtcase marks a "before and after" on impunity where Dominican recoverthe stolen money, jail the corrupt and cancel all contracts of the "mafiaconstruction company."
"In every corner of the country citizensand social organizations continue to multiply peaceful protests using the greencolor of hope with the certainty that the people will win and the corrupt willfall," said spokespersons of the group in a pressconference at Parque Independencia.