Local February 24, 2017 | 10:22 am

Questions into Odebrecht’s US$92.0M bribe continue next week

Santo Domingo.- More people will bequestioned starting next week into Odebrecht admitted bribe of US$92.0 million tosecure public works contracts in the Dominican Republic.

The interrogations form part of the JusticeMinistry’s probe to identify the officials who took bribes.

Local media report of many interviewsunderway, but details have yet to surface as investigators have turned tight-lipped on the scandal.

"The interrogations continue as part ofthis process. We’re advancing at a good pace," said a Justice Ministry sourcequoted by diariolibre.com.do.

They said the country is working on the case andawaits information from Brazil.

Next March 1

A National District judge is expected to ruleon the plea bargaining agreement between Odebrecht and the Justice Ministry, inexchange for information.

Once the court approves the agreement, thecountry must receive information relating to the US$92.0 million bribe within60 days.

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