Local February 28, 2017 | 9:27 am

Dominicans in NY saw ‘not much hope’ in Medina’s speech

New York.- Most Dominicans in Upper Manhattanpolled by outlet elnuevodiario.com.do called president Danilo Medina’s speech lessthan hopeful for their country.

They said Medina’s repeated remark that therewill be no "sacred cows" in the Odebrecht case with the tale of the"Ox Apis," the sacred bull and god for Egyptians.

The journalists Román Polanco, José Sierra, andRadhamés Pérez, Country Alliance coordinator in the US, said the speech lackedsubstance.

They accuse Medina of manipulating figures tospur generate hope of solving the serious problems of a population living inpoverty, marginality and social exclusion.

Business leaders Juan Antonio Ubrí nad Lucíade Herrera, and taxi driver Martín Rodríguez affirm that Medina didn’t sayanything new, or offer hope to the people, "and will not confront corruptioneither."

"He didn’t even mention the more thantwo million Dominicans who live abroad and we send more than four billiondollars a year, making it clear that we mean nothing to him."

On a positive note was Máximo Padilla, presidentof the Committee of Dominicans Abroad (Codex), who said Medina avoided a confrontationwhich he affirmed the people wanted, "because first is the country and thenext generation. This generation belongs to the people who have a concept ofNation and the positive part should be supported."

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