Local March 6, 2017 | 2:07 pm

Prosecution readies indictments in Odebrecht case, report

H. Mejia has said that if he´s questioned, L. Fernandez shoul be also.

Santo Domingo.- The prosecution preparers indictments against several people linked to the admitted bribes by Brazilian company Odebrecht, according to a Justice Ministry source quoted by diariolibre.com.

It said some of the people who’ve been already questioned by Justice minister Jean Alain Rodriguez, would be interviewed again in midweek because new aspects have arisen in the investigation.

“The Justice Minister prepares strong files,” the source said. It said during the past weekend prosecutors and technicians were evaluating thousands of pages related to the Odebrecht case “from early morning until late at night.”

It said Rodriguez coordinated the teams’ work in his office all day Saturday, though revealed no names nor the number of people who’ll be called for depositions.

Nonetheless the source reiterated Rodriguez’s resolve to prosecute those who took bribes.

More than 15 people have been questioned In the aftermath of Odebrecht’s admittance of having paid US$92.0 million in bribes to secure construction contracts in the country from 2001 to 2014, including current officials and administrations of former presidents Hipólito Mejía and Leonel Fernández.

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