Local April 6, 2017 | 2:07 pm

Espaillat hails Trump’s booting of Steve Bannon

S. Bannon. Photo wikipedia.org

New York.- Dominican-born US lawmaker Adriano Espaillat on Wednesday hailed president Donald Trump’s decision to oust top national security adviser, Steve Bannon, who’s been the target of his most scathing critique.

“today President Trump finally saw what I already recognized, and what the American people knew months ago, that someone like Steve Bannon should not have a security clearance, and much less serve on the National Security Council,” Espaillat said in an emailed statement.

The New York District 13 representative said Bannon has voiced numerous remarks in support of the overthrow of the US government.

Espaillat noted that during an August 22, 2016, interview, Bannon described himself as a “Leninist”, saying that “Lenin wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal as well. I want everything to collapse and destroy all the current established power.”

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