Local April 11, 2017 | 2:24 pm

Flash flood warnings for 10 provinces; high surf in the North

Santo Domingo.- The National Weather Office (Onamet) on Tuesday continues its flash flood and landslide warnings from swelled of rivers for 10 provinces.

The warnings are in effect for Monseñor Noel, La Vega, San Jose de Ocoa, Azua, Santiago, Duarte, Sánchez Ramírez, Puerto Plata, Espaillat and San Juan de la Maguana provinces.

Downpours can also be expected from northwestern Dajabón to southeastern San Pedro de Macorís provinces.

Onamet advises small craft on the Atlantic coast to remain near shore, due to gusty wind and higher than normal waves.

Temperatures in Greater Santo Domingo will range from 33ºC to 22ºC.

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