Local April 21, 2017 | 12:06 pm

Despite plea deal, Greens want top prosecutor booted

M. Robles. Photo elnuevodiario.com.do

Santo Domingo.- The Green March movement on Thurs. demanded the firing of Justice minister Jean Alain Rodríguez, claiming that the plea deal with Odebrecht favors the Brazilian company to the detriment of the Dominican people’s interests.

Speaking for the organization, Manuel Robles said the plea deal, which he called the “impunity agreement,” was the last straw in a series of “lies, manipulations and negligent actions” which today makes Dominican Republic the continent’s only country where in four months there’s been no indictments against those linked to the international corruption case.

The Green March noted that contrary to Brazil, Peru, Panama, Colombia and other countries which have takn major steps in the investigation of ballooned costs and illegal campaign financing with Odebrecht funds, Alain Rodríguez has yet to take a single step to investigate the widespread corruption.

“In addition to being fired immediately, Jean Alain Rodríguez must be investigated by the Office of the Prosecutor for possible acts of prevarication, and for deliberately allowing a mafia company to continue doing business with the Dominican State, contrary to what the Public Purchases and Contracts Law stipulates,” Robles said.

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