Local April 28, 2017 | 9:07 pm

Agency bans swimming in most rivers as downpours return

Swollen river near Puerto Plata

Santo Domingo.- The Emergency Operations Center (COE) on Friday barred swimmers from using the rivers in the 25 provinces under alert for heavy rains from a trough, just days after a week of downpours drenched the entire country.

The agency also prohibited water sports or recreational activities in highlands areas, as lightning from thunderstorms are forecast during the next 24 to 48 hours.

Northeastern Duarte province is under maximum alert, for which the COE urged residents in the Yuna river lower basin to cooperate with first response agencies.

It said Barahona, Monte Plata, Monseñor Noel, La Vega, San José de Ocoa, Maria Trinidad Sánchez, San Cristóbal and Sánchez Ramírez provinces continue under flash flood warnings.

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