Local May 2, 2017 | 12:47 pm

Plea deal omits prime suspect in Odebrecht US$92.0M bribe case

Santo Domingo.-  Nearly 15 days After a plea deal between Odebrecht and the Justice Ministry in the US$92.0 million bribe case was approved, in which prime suspect Angel Rondón was unexpectedly left out, concrete actions to ensure his prosecution have yet to be announced.

Although the plea bargaining agreement stipulates immunity for the construction company and its direct employees, it excepts Rondón, whom the Office of the Anticorruption Prosecutor has yet to request his arraignment.

Rondón, Odebrecht’s “liaison” in the country, admitted to receiving US$92.0 million from the company being

Meetings in Washington

Justice minister Jean Rodriguez will travel to Washington to meet with US officials on the Odebrecht case, which has rocked president Danilo Medina’s administration.

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