Local May 8, 2017 | 8:10 pm

PriceSmart says major retail chains compete unfairly

Santo Domingo.- The the National  Competition Defense Commission (ProCompetencia) on  Monday said it received a complaint by PriceSmart against Grupo Ramos (owner of La Sirena department stores), the supermarket chain Bravo SA and Cyngusville for alleged unfair competition.

The reception of the complaint is registered by resolution DE-005-2017, “admitting the complaint for possible commission of practices contrary to law number 42-08.”

“The complaint was lodged by the company PriceSmart Dominicana, SRL,” ProCompetencia said in a statement.

In its complaint, PriceSmart says that Grupo Ramos, Bravo and Cyngusville are “selling products without sanitary registration and without the corresponding labeling,” which puts it in a disadvantageous position against them.

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