Local May 11, 2017 | 12:27 pm

Union freezes accounts of subway czar in Panama Papers

Santo Domingo.- The debt of around RD$155 million accrued during the construction of the Santo Domingo Metro headed by Diandino Peña and the Transport Reorganization Office (OPRET) prompted the Construction Workers Pension Fund (FOPETCONS) to seek a freeze of the accounts of Peña and OPRET.

The report comes just two days after the head of the OPRET faced a devastating interview by Alicia Ortega over his vast business and financial emporium, uncovered in the Panama Papers.

In a statement, FOPETCONS said that despite that both OPRET and Peña promised to pay the debt generated during construction of Metro Line 2 through monthly installments, that never occurred.

They also cited an Arbitration Court ruling 0459, of 2015, which convicted both parties for violating the agreement with FOPETCONS.

The construction workers add that the official and the OPRET were sentenced not only to pay those debts, but also to pay one million pesos in damages.

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